Tuesday, June 10, 2008


At some point I am going to post something profound about what Hillary's candidacy has done for women in politics, and I think that it has been mostly good, right now, however, I am thinking that if McChronic wants to win in November he has to pick a female VP (not necessarily the one in this picture, fyi). I think it has something to do with harnessing the overwhelming movement towards women being equally involved in politics and political races.
Whether it is because of Hillary or she was just the symbol of the larger movement remains to be determined. (And, actually now that I think about it, your answer to that question might determine whether or not your think McCain should pick a female VP)
Right now, I am just focusing on the fact that the Republicans (McCain) need to do something to combat the fact that the Democrats just had a battle between the person who would become the first female major party nominee for President and the first African-American. Right now all McCain can say is that he is old and has a lot of experience serving his country. Maybe he thinks that is enough?


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