Albert Gore Jr.
Let's get right to the point, Al Gore should not run for the President again. No Votes stands firmly on this principle: NO MORE GORE.
That being said, we feel obligated to at least discuss the merits of a potential Gore campaign. Without further ado, the patent-pending Quickie Biographie of Al Gore: born in Washington D.C., Gore was introduced to politics at an early age. His father was a Senator from Tennessee during Gore's childhood, which meant that Al spent his early years in both DC and Tennessee. While in TN, he also worked on his family's tobacco farm. It may be worth noting that Al's mother was the first woman ever to graduate from Vanderbilt Law School.
Al Gore attended Harvard University, where he lived with Tommy Lee Jones. After two years of lackluster grades, Gore switched from English to government, and graduated in 1969.
We have no idea what this means and are overwhelmed the implications, but his wikipedia site says: "Although opposed to the Vietnam War, on August 7, 1969, Gore voluntarily enlisted in the army in order to participate in the war."
Leaving aside his participation in the Vietnam War, he received a non-essential personnel discharge two months early, in order to attend Vanderbilt divinity school, and then enrolled in Vanderbilt's law school. He completed neither degree.
He quit law school in 1976 to run for Congress. Al was elected in 1976 to the US House of Representatives, and successfully re-elected until 1984 when he ran for the US Senate. He was elected to the Senate in 1984 and served until 1993, when he became Vice President under Bill Clinton.
In 1988, he tried for the Democratic nomination for President. Gore won much of the South, but lost badly just about everywhere else, and dropped out of the running.
In July 1992, Bill Clinton chose Gore as his running mate. This move surprised nearly everyone, because they were both young and from the same region. As we all hopefully know, they beat incumbents Bush 41 and Quayle.
Alright, here is where his life gets exciting! In 2000, Gore ran for President of the United States, against George W. Bush. Gore won the popular vote, but lost the Electoral College. The problem was Florida (Jeb Bush, brother to George was Governor), where no one knew exactly who won that state's electoral votes. After recounts, accusations, proselytizing, and even a Supreme Court case, Florida's electoral votes were awarded to Bush.
Following the election Gore became a visiting professor at Columbia University, among others.
He has been in the news off and on for criticizing Bush on such issues as civil rights, the Iraq War, terrorism, global warming, etc. And has really been in the news lately after releasing "An Inconvenient Truth" which is apparently a movie about global warming that Taking No Votes has yet to see.
Perhaps most interesting in his life is that he joined Apple Computers Board of Directors in May 2003.
Needless to say, Gore has had quite a political career. The dream died with the 2000 election and it is time to pump some fresh blood into the Presidency.
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